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The swedish network for industrial and urban symbiosis

About Industrial and Urban Symbiosis (IUS)

Industrial and Urban Symbiosis (IUS) is a strategic approach that enables more efficient use of materials, energy, and other types of resources.

What is Industrial and Urban Symbiosis?

Industrial and Urban Symbiosis enables more efficient use of materials, energy, and other types of resources. IUS aims for increased resource efficiency through local/regional collaboration. The area focuses on value enhancement of underutilized material and energy resources (waste, by-products, etc.), which can be utilized by other actors within the network. Industrial symbiosis involves several companies collaborating so that surplus or by-products in one operation become a useful resource for another. Collaborations can also include shared infrastructure systems for supply and service, knowledge building, innovation, and marketing.

With targeted facilitation, IUS can be effectively scaled up. Scaling up IUS will improve companies' competitiveness and development, reduce environmental impact, and strengthen regional development and resilience. A structured facilitation of IUS can act as a catalyst and drive implementation.

Local Examples of Industrial and Urban Symbiosis

Facilitation of Industrial and Urban Symbiosis

The development of IUS can be facilitated and promoted with focused efforts - facilitation. The aim is to create favorable conditions by building and improving relationships between actors, creating and sharing knowledge together, and engaging competent actors with the necessary resources. For facilitation to be successful, the work needs to be long-term, dynamic, and adapted to local conditions. Among the network members, see the member page, there are several organizations with long experience in supporting development processes within IUS, such as Linköping University and Chalmers Industriteknik.

Industrial Symbiosis on the Website

Our website offers tools to promote symbiosis development, contacts to experts, and the opportunity to access inspiring examples and cases of industrial symbiosis in practice. Contact information for our member organizations can be found on the member page or contact us at

Industrial Symbiosis in Films

The film about Händelö Eco-Industrial Park.

In this film, you will meet representatives from stakeholders at Händelö, including E.ON, Lantmännen Agroetanol, the Municipality of Norrköping, the Port of Norrköping, NODRA, and Linköping University. You will also learn how the collaboration at Händelö creates resource-efficient advantages and contributes to increased climate efficiency