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The swedish network for industrial and urban symbiosis
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Industrial and urban symbiosis in Höganäs

Where IUS will soon integrate iron powder with tomato and fish farming.


  • Utilization of local resources
  • Excess heat for industry and district heating
  • Competitive advantages
  • Energy costs
  • Waste disposal costs
  • CO2 emissions


Höganäs is a municipality located on the west coast of Skåne, home to Höganäs AB, the oldest processing industry in the area. The company currently produces metal powders, generating several by-products and side-streams that provide potential for both energy and material collaborations. Over the years, the company has developed numerous resource and by-product exchanges, including with Höganäs municipality. The latest development of symbiotic opportunities involves a partnership with the food industry through the company Wa3rm, which acts as a facilitator in various energy and resource exchanges. Having a driving intermediary can be valuable when knowledge, resources, or contacts are unavailable. Another key player in the network is Höganäs municipality, which has a strong understanding of collaboration between local and regional actors. The municipality also has two crucial companies involved in the existing network: Höganäs Energi and the municipally owned wastewater treatment plant.


Höganäs AB supplies the town of Höganäs with about 90% of its district heating needs through excess heat from production, thereby reducing the combustion of natural gas for heating by Höganäs Energi. Some of the excess heat from Höganäs AB is also directed to the wastewater treatment plant, where it is used in the process of producing biogas from sewage sludge. The biogas is then used by Höganäs AB in production, replacing previously consumed natural gas.

Drivers and enablers

The geographical proximity between Höganäs AB, the Höganäs wastewater treatment plant, and Höganäs Energi has been an enabler for the formation of the network, especially as it reduces investment costs. Höganäs AB has many contacts within other industries and organizations, which has proven to be important for the existing network. Key individuals within the industry have also been a significant driving force for the network's development.

Another enabler is long-term contracts, such as the 20-year agreement between Höganäs AB and Höganäs Energi for excess energy supplied to the district heating network. The actors in the area emphasize that mutual collaborations, shared investments, and ensuring satisfaction for all involved are crucial for the long-term development of the network. For future development of the industrial symbiosis, Wa3rm may play a significant role both as an intermediary and in initiating new collaborations.


Thomas Parker

Styrelseledamot at WA3RM AB


Fredrik Indebetou

vice VD at WA3RM AB


Murat Mirata

Universitetslektor at Linköpings universitet


phone: 013-28 56 92

Visit Murat Mirata's page.